Living Louder with Chauncy Renay
You are perfect just the way you are in this exact moment, and absolutely no one benefits when you doubt yourself! In this podcast we laugh, learn, and explore all the ways in which our imperfections can be embraced for a richer, fuller and more empowered life.
59 episodes
My Favorite 5 Minute Breathing Exercise
Ya'll, this is my FAVORITE 5 minute breathing exercise, and I do it every morning to stay grounded, calm, and feel more energized. If it's your first time, you got this! Keep practicing, because the breath retentions feel sooooo good!Sta...

56. How My New Mantra is Helping Me Through It All
Hey Hey! Living Louder is back with a new episode about the benefits of Mantra Building. Tap in! <3 Text Line & VoiceMail: 33-44-LouderContact/Donate: www.ChauncyRenay.com/ContactWritten, Edited, Published, a...

55. Breathing Deeply w/ Marisol Rascon
Marisol is here!! She is teaching us about the benefit of breath work. :) Are you interested in joining her online workshops? Check her out at www.solintegrative.com . You can also find her on IG, TikTok and YouTube as @solintegrative .
54. THE Process
The goal is not the actual goal! Tune in to learn why you're closer to your goal than you think :)Rate, Review, Subscribe & Share! VoiceMail: 33-44-LouderInstagram: @LivingLouderPodcastContact/Donate: www.Chaunc...

53. Unlearning
Oh hi! This week we are talking about unlearning, and how it is safe for you to trust your inner voice. I reference the podcast, 'Spirit Seekers' Season 4 Episode 56 "Near Death Experiences" featuring Vincent Tolman. I encourage you to check it...

52. Living Louder: Two Years Later :) Plus Mini-Episode - Let People See Your Progress
Testing.. Testing.. 1-2-3. Hey ya'll, it's been a while! In this episode we have a little chat about what's been going on in my life, celebrate a podcast milestone, and talk about letting people witness the progress you're making.&n...

51. Living Louder: One Year Later
Do you know what today isssss???? It's our anniversary. :D That's right, Living Louder turns one year old today! Today I look back on some of the lessons learned from over the year and encourage you to step into your biggest fears because they ...

50. Leaving the Safe Harbor & Sailing Toward a Life of Adventure (w/ Tanya Hackney)
I'm so excited to have Author, Tanya Hackney, on the podcast this week. Tanya has been sailing on a boat with her family for over 10 years! She shares how she and her husband made the courageous leap to leave their comfy jobs behind and t...

49. How Using the 5 Love Languages Can Enhance Any Relationship
Hi Friends! I'm hearing a lot of people misusing and misunderstanding the 5 Love Languages, and I'm not liking that. This week we dive into a fun topic of the actual OG 5 love languages and how they really can enhance your relationships with yo...

48. The Truth About Intuitive Eating (w/ Author Rihanna Teixeira)
Rihanna is BACK on the podcast, and she's here to tell us all about her new book: How to Break Up with Diet Culture. She also gives us the truth about intuitive eating and dispels a few myths regarding diets & disordered eating....

47. Pleasure Activism (w/ Nyala Dupree-Walker) PART TWO
This week we are going IN! Nyala continues her tales of living abroad, and we delve into her experiences of the explosion of the Black Lives Matter movement while she was working in Taiwan. Nyala also breaks down 'Pleasure Activism' and w...

46. Traveling the World & Teaching Abroad (w/ Nyala Dupree-Walker) PART ONE
Nyala is on the Pod! In Part One of my interview with Nyala Dupree-Walker, we discuss how she found the courage to take a leap into living and working abroad. Check her out here:IG: @NyalatheNavigator / @NottyProfessor / @Gl...

45. Cut the Cameras...Deadass
It's time to cut the noise. Do you constantly find yourself hopping from thing to thing - activity to activity without a breath in between? I found myself recently in this loop and figured a way out. Tune in!! VoiceMail: 33-4...

44. Maria Moore is Setting the Bar and Teaching us Entrepreneurs how to Craft our Brand
Maria Moore, founder of the Template Bar, is a coach who trains others in expanding their own businesses in fun and unique ways. In the age where everyone can become an entrepreneur, her tips help us create a brand that matches what we lo...

43. A Childfree Chat with Tiara Croft
What an exciting week on the pod! My friend of 30 years (Tiara Croft) is on to talk about all things Childfree. Tune in to find out how she and her husband came to the decision to not have children, and hear all about how she created a co...

42. Exploring the Mind/Body Connection & 10 Minute Body Scan Exercise
I'm so happy I'm finally doing an episode on Body Scanning / Yoga Nidra. I explain why this mind/body connection is so important, and lead you through an exercise to help strengthen the connection. Excercise Begins at 15:00<...

41. Crystal and Chauncy are Summering this Summer like they've Never Summered (w/ Crystal Pratt)
The title truly says it all! Join Crystal & Chauncy for their usual shenanigans as they discuss they're favorite pics for this summer. It's a fun one :) VoiceMail: 33-44-LouderInstagram: @LivingLouderPodcastCont...

40. Life's Timing is NEVER Wrong
Sometimes I worry that I'm behind in life, or that the things I want to happen for me never will... And then I remember - Life's Timing is NEVER Wrong. I can trust that the Universe will always have my back and is continually working towa...

39. Christianity vs. Coming Out (w/ Nolan Berns)
My friend of 20 years is on the pod this week! Nolan and I met during a Christian ministry training program and have been tight ever since. As we wrap up Pride month, Nolan shares his story of coming out while he debates joining the Minis...

38. Forgiving Yourself for Past Mistakes
This episode title truly says it all. Are you the type of person that still beats yourself up things that have happened over 20 years ago? The truth is, I totally am that person, and I'm working on loving myself more. Listen in for ...

37. Embrace the Chaos! Nick Morton talks Fatherhood and Alcohol Recovery
You guys! Film Producer, Writer, Comedian (and my friend) Nick Morton joins us this week! He is the perfect guy to have on for Father's Day as he shares relatable parenting moments I am SURE ya'll moms and dads out there can relate to. We...

36. Growing Pains, the Redwood Forest, and Two Bags of Doritos (w/ Crystal Pratt)
My favorite So-Co-Ho (Sometimes Co-host) is back with me on this episode! Join us as we talk about all things 'growth' and why sometimes two bags of Doritos is not your calling. We love you!VoiceMail: 33-44-LouderEmail: living...
35. My Self-Worth is not Dependent on Your Approval (w/ Miss Amanda Chen)
Listen up! You need this episode in your life. Amanda humbly tells us how she got 6 figures in her bank account and moved to a dream location outside of the country on HER terms. Also, she has a podcast where she interviews 100 men ...

34. Inventory Check: Who's in Your Inner Circle?
What about your fraaaands?! This week we are pausing to take inventory of our friendships. Are we hanging out with people just because it's convenient, or are we intentionally pursuing relationships that serve our highest purpose? Tune in...

33. Single Motherhood, Racism in Academia, and the Ice Capades (w/ Dr. Shea Gregory - My Mom!)
She's really here! My mom is on the podcast with me :) Hang out with us, glean her motherly wisdom, and hear her answer some listener questions. VoiceMail: 33-44-LouderInstagram: @LivingLouderPodcastContact/Donate: www.Cha...